I live in the heart of rural Scotland amongst hills and forests and I'm, somewhat grandly, called a mixed media artist using different materials to create work that incorporates two or more art forms.
Although primarily involved with large scale wood, acrylic and resin based works, my DecoDisc series has become increasingly popular with those seeking something a little different as a gift for family or friends. But, I have no particular style and my projects vary fantastically from ridiculously tall wooden Viking style King & Queen thrones to more delicate, hand painted, works including a range of jewellery.
I hope you enjoy what you see on the site and if you wish to buy any of my works, including my hand made jewellery, please visit the "Retail Partners" page.
And, just in case you were wondering, "Cleish" as in Cleish Park is pronounced "Cleesh"!

Bob Watson

Musical themed DecoDisc handmade from acrylic painted base (with just a little glitter), musical charms and resin.